Gazit splog

Oh, I like a Slashdot item–about a U.K. spammer getting six years in prison. Meanwhile my pal Gazit Bingaman is now doing his comment-spamming to promote links to gibberish-filled BlogSpot splogs like the one shown above. Gazit, oh, Gazit, just what’s on your mind? Are you just jockeying for a better Google rank for a loan-oriented site, or sending code to Al Qaeda? Everyone else: I’ve deliberately avoided complaining to Google. I’m gonna let the SOB spend more time tending his spam garden and then let Google pull up the plants. Of course, if Gazit is reading this and cares to stop his attempted spams, I won’t mind.

Question for eNom: Why are you continuing to list Gazit’s domain at an address that the Cypriot government believes is fictitious? The longer this goes on, the less credible are your supposed efforts to complay with ICANN regs.

Housekeeping: E-book news and more TeleBlog items will be along later in the day. I’m on a vacation schedule. Continued thanks to Branko Collin, Roger Sperberg and others for helping out earlier this week. Oh, and Sally Ranson-Polizzoti‘s review of Alice’s Adventures Underground in e-book form will appear in the next day or two, along with a podcast in that wonderful Scottish accent.


  1. As Slashdot commenters pointed out, the Brit got convicted for other things than spam; he just also happened to be a spammer. A vlie and despicable occupation, to be sure, but not necessarily a criminal one.

    Or, as one commenter put it: “It’s like a bank robber who drove a car to the bank. “Motorist Gets 6 Years!” The article only mentions spamming in context of his other crimes.

  2. You’re right, Banko–thanks for the additional context. Still, at least from prison, it will be harder for the man to continue his net.crimes. Meanwhile I’m reminded of Al Capone and the fact that he end up in prison based on unpaid taxes rather than on Capone-related murders. David

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