Screen shot 2011 03 15 at 10 35 09 AM

Received the following email from Andy Hunter of Electric Literature.  It looks like an interesting product – although why these techy types think its cute to deliberately misspell titles is beyond me:

Broadcastr, a project by Electric Literature, just released an iPhone app which automatically plays audio stories specific to your GPS location. The iPhone app is free, and can be downloaded here:

I think your readers would be interested in Broadcastr as a way to discover great stories and as a megaphone for sharing their own. 

Broadcastr is a social-media platform for location-based storytelling. Our new iPhone app lets people take a walk while recordings about their surroundings stream automatically into their headphones. It’s like an audio tour of the whole world, and anyone can contribute.  

A reader might use Broadcastr to discover a daughter telling the story of her mothers long love affair with F. Scott Fitzgerald:

or, Jennifer Egan reading from A Visit From the Goon Squad:

or, one man’s deep thoughts on Shakespeare:

We all fall into routines, and travel the same paths every day. The Broadcastr mobile app reveals layers of narrative in the streets around us, connecting us to a wealth of memory we may never have discovered otherwise.


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