
From an Article by Ben Hartman (Jerusalem Post):

Albert Einstein will go digital in the coming months, as the Hebrew University of Jerusalem begins a project to digitize the German-Jewish physicist’s archives.

The digitization is expected to take around one year and then the over 80,000 documents will be available on the Albert Einstein Archives website.

News of the initiative, which will be made possible by a $500,000 grant from the Polonsky Foundation of London, was announced on Monday, the 131st anniversary of Einstein’s birth in the town of Ulm in what is today Southern Germany.


He left his entire archives to the university in his will. Since 182, the archives have been kept in the Jewish National Library on the Edmond J. Safra Campus of the Hebrew University.

Read the Complete Article

Direct to Albert Einstein Archives at Hebrew University in Jerusalem

Direct to Digitized Manuscripts by Einstein

Via INFOdocket


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