
New Features

  • Allow calibre to be run simultaneously in two different user accounts on windows.
  • Driver for Motorola Photon and Point of View PlayTab
  • Add a checkbox to preferences->plugins to show only user installed plugins
  • Add a restart calibre button to the warning dialog that pops up after changing some preference that requires a restart

Bug Fixes

  • Fix regression in 0.8.36 that caused the remove format from book function to only delete the entry from the database and not delete the actual file from the disk
  • Fix regression in 0.8.36 that caused the calibredb command to not properly refresh the format information in the GUI
  • E-book viewer: Preserve the current position more accurately when changing font size/other preferences.
  • Conversion pipeline: Fix items in the that refer to files with URL unsafe filenames being ignored.
  • Fix calibre not running on linux systems that set LANG to an empty string
  • On first run of calibre, ensure the columns are sized appropriately
  • MOBI Output: Do not collapse whitespace when setting the comments metadata in newly created MOBI files
  • HTML Input: Fix handling of files with ä characters in their filenames.
  • Fix the sort on startup tweak ignoring more than three levels
  • Edit metadata dialog: Fix a bug that broke adding of a file to the book that calibre did not previously know about in the books directory while simultaneously changing the author or title of the book.

(Via calibre Changelog.)


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