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The Casellet guys sent me one of these guys and I’ve found it to be very functional.  It started by way of being a successful Kickstarter project.

Quite simply, the Casellet is an iPhone and small wallet all-in-one.  It can handle up to five cards along with currency.  As you can see from the picture the cards slip into a clip and your money is folded in half and slipped in back of the cards.  This all makes the unit about twice as thick as a normal iPhone 4/4s.  The front of the phone is exposed, but the glass is protected by a raised rim when put face down.  All the buttons and connectors are fully accessible, and there is an opening for the camera at the back.

In practice the Casellet is remarkably useful.  While the thickness may put you off, remember that you are no longer carrying a wallet and so your overall burden is less.

The Casellet comes in black, white and pink and costs $34.95. All of them have a nice brushed aluminum back.  You can find it, with more details, here.  Recommended.

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