
Next week Margaret Atwood will be signing books at the London Book Fair ... from the comfort of her Canadian home. That's London, United Kingdom; not London, Ontario. So says Mobuzz...

Sometimes even heroes sell out accidentally, and hopefully that's what happened with Project Gutenberg--if not in deed, then in appearance. Far better than a Valenti-level sellout to the dark side....

Palm Digital Media is giving away a different e-book a day until Christmas. The first title, available only Saturday, is The Secret Garden by Francis Hodgson Burnett. This is a...

More details via Techmeme linkfest and Apple Insider and Gadgetell. Notice the possible use of solid-state mass storage, rather than a hard drive? The rumored new gizmo would appear in January. Oh, yes,...

Amazon will no longer accept e-books from Lightning Source's distribution operation. Very possibly, Jeff Bezos and friends want publishers to deal with them directly and use the Amazon-owned Mobipocket reader and...

From the start--back in the early '90s--TeleRead has suggested that taxes in one form or another be used to help fund a well-stocked national digital library system. Were we the...

If (like me) you cannot resist looking at, say, a roadside accident, or a streaker, you may wish to spend a couple of days at the Mobileread forums. Fans of the...

Here and here from Alexander at MobileRead. In the world of open software, might a OpenOffice-to-OpenReader plug-in happen? You can bet we'd love it, and if any developers want to plunge...

So how far can the RIAA go in is war against users--and their computers--without violating anti-hacking laws? Check out the links in the Berkeley Intellectual Property Weblog. Meanwhile the Register...

Authors Guild Board member Steve Manes ("Let's have less of Lessig") and Stanford law professor Larry Lessig ("Sensitive" Manes "feels no hesitation in calling someone a 'moron,' 'idiot,' and 'buffoon'")...


Courtesy of the Kboards, a worrying item about struggling e-book sites and their ability to monetize engagement with Amazon - or not - has...

TeleRead.com is now a static archival site, but we're very much alive at TeleRead.org. Big thanks to Nate Hoffelder of The-Digital-Reader.com, who teamed up on the preservation project with ReclaimHosting.com.