aEXPH48pNJEJ.jpegWe reported earlier on the problems afflicting the Crunchpad. Now it seems that the device will hit the streets after all. Fusion Garage has renamed the machine and will be selling it for $499. Pre-orders will begin on Friday.

I wonder how many people will actually plunk down $500 for a machine sold by a company that will certainly be in heavy litigation soon, and at a price that is higher than most fully functional netbooks. The JooJoo only does one thing – surf the web with WiFi. More details on the machine here.


  1. JooJoo? Sounds like JewJew to me. The Jews won’t like this and the antisemities will have a field day with this. Wait till the white supremacist websites find this name! Terrible terrible name, worse than Kindle and nook. Who names these things?

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