2go-laptopmag-review.jpg It’s getting harder and harder to choose a netbook or low end portable PC nowadays. Too many good units to choose from! Laptop Magazine has just reviewed the CTL and given it 4 out of 5 stars. The unit sells for $499. This looks like an awfully strong candidate for a portable PC and e-book reader as well. Here’s their conclusion:

The CTL 2go Convertible Classmate PC is one of the first netbooks to employ touchscreen technology successfully. Its sleek skin over Windows XP simplifies program launching, and preloaded applications allow kids to take full advantage of the tablet’s functionality. When you put aside its sluggish hard drive and cramped keyboard, this is a setup that we would love to see emulated in netbooks aimed at adults. While its $499 price is slightly higher than most 8.9-inch systems (a similarly configured Acer Aspire one costs $379), its smooth tablet implementation and durable chassis make the 2go Convertible a great educational tool.


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