From the Bookeen blog:

CybookWe have recently released the 0.98 version of the firmware. As announced previously, in this version we do support PDF format with some features as fit width, fit page, fit height and rotate 0°, 90°, 180°,270°.

The software will be ready on time and, as already said, the supported formats will be for this first release: Mobipocket (encrypted and unencrypted), HTML, PalmDoc, Txt and PDF. RTF and other formats supports will come on further firmware releases. The firmware update will, of course, be possible for every Cybook Gen3 possessor. The Cybook final design has been slightly modified, the surface treatment is not glossy anymore but keeps its soft touch. The navigation button has also been modified to be easier to press on.

Concerning our release date, the Cybook Gen3 will be definitely available before end of October. We will send very soon an official release date via our newsletter (subscribe here) and this blog. At this occasion we will also announce the opening of Cybook Gen3 pre-sales on our website.

Concerning the price we confirm a $350 for US territory and 350 Euros for Europe.

Related: Earlier TeleBlog stories on the Cybook Gen3.


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