David Carnoy David Carnoy, whose self-publishing advice (and run-ins with Apple) we have covered already, has another CNet column full of helpful advice to the would-be e-book self-publisher.

Carnoy starts out with some tips, such as that the book has to be good, with an arresting cover, and priced cheaply—in fact, authors should avoid any self-publishing outfit that does not let them set the price. And to market the book, the author simply has to create awareness of it—and in today’s blogging and social networking world, that is easier than it has ever been.

Then Carnoy lists a number of potential self-e-publishing outlets: Amazon, Smashwords, Lulu, FastPencil, Scribd, and more, examining the pros and cons of each in detail.

This article is a great resource for those looking at self-publishing an e-book, and should immediately be tagged onto any self-respecting self-pub-related blogroll.


  1. Nook vs Ipad and Kindle. If i have pdf files of magazines or articles, can they be loaded on the different machines? If so, which ones? How is the Nook at the beach, can you read it in the sunlight, Kindle is knocking ipad for not being able to. Any merit behind those cracks?

    Thank you for your time.

    Regards, Gordon Caylor, CPA

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