images.jpegTeleRead founder, David Rothman, the cover of whose latest book is pictured here, has a 4 page article with the above title in The Atlantic as a guest post in James Fallows’ column.

David’s article is far too long to quote, but here is what Fallows has to say about the:

… guest essay by David Rothman, of the Teleread site and the DC roman-a-clef The Solomon Scandals. David was one of the journalism world’s earliest adopters of computers and related technology. Since 1992, when many people (including me) could barely imagine what a Kindle/Nook/iPad-style “e-reader” might be, he has been analyzing these devices and their social, economic, and political implications on his site. Previously on this site about such implications here and here. By the way, he is running a nice Fake Tony Hayward diary on his site.

In this essay, he proposes ways that radically speeded-up adoption of the iPad-style devices could serve economic-stimulus and social-equality needs at the same time. Although he doesn’t put it this way, it’s his counterpart to a post-Sputnik technology-promotion plan. …


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