Screen shot 2010-10-12 at 10.24.22 AM.pngDear Author has taken a close look at the new Bluefire Reader – and likes what they see:

I wanted to let all the iOS users (iPad, iTouch, iPhone, etc) of the awesome new app called Bluefire Reader. What’s so awesome about this? You can read any standard encrypted ePub and PDF using Bluefire on an iOS device. I was able to get my Harlequin Books, NetGalley Arcs, Sony books all on the iPhone and iPad and read them WITHOUT STRIPPING THE DRM. … So my friends who have spent years buying PDFs and ePubs, this is the App for you. …

I was able to get Harlequin Books from the Harlequin site and digital ARCs from NetGalley and my Sony ebooks on the device. WOOT!

There’s an excellent set of screen shots and a good “how to” in the article. Take a look.


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