scottmcclellan “McClellan is still at work on his book. At PublicAffairs, it is not unusual for writers to be finishing their books at the time we announce publication because the sell-in to stores has to take place months before the books actually arrive. The large chains want about six months to prepare for release, deciding on how many copies to take and what kind of promotion to support.” – Peter Osnos, PA founder, discussing What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and What’s Wrong with Washington, by ex-White House press secretary Scott McClellan.

The TeleRead take: What a great example of the potential of E for more timely books! If the Kindle and rivals take off, imagine the boost for public affairs works and print on demand. In fact, Osnos started the Caravan Project promoting both greater availability of E and POD. Will the day come when most public affairs books use those approaches rather than old-fashioned printing?


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