Screen shot 2010-07-02 at 8.42.10 AM.pngHow about an ebook about the people who talk about ebooks? Well, you’ll find that in E-Publishers to Watch. According to Denison’s website the book is about the people who are trying new stuff in the digital reading arena.

You’ll find write-ups about Trip Adler, Liza Daly, Susan Danziger, Sara Lloyd, Kat Meyer, Hadrian Gardeur, Peter Brantley and a lot more – including me. I found it quite interesting and even learned some stuff I didn’t know.

The author, DC Denison, is an “atomic content provider at The Boston Globe. He is the author of “As Seen on TV” (Fireside/Simon and Schuster). In 2010 he spoke about this very e-book project at the O’Reilly Tools of Change for Publishing conference in New York.”

The book is $1.99 and can be had in PDF, Epub and Kindle format. You can find it here.


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