Screen shot 2011 06 27 at 9 02 01 AM

From the press release:

Free maps for readers of electronic books are now available on new website. The website, which presents itself in many languages, lets users download eBooks with maps in both popular formats, ie mobi (for Kindle reader from Amazon) and epub (for most other readers).

eBookMaps website offers free downloadable e-books with maps of major cities of the whole world. Currently there are more than 200 eBooks, each in two formats – epub and mobi, among which are not lacking those of big US cities, cities of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and South America.

All the maps are optimized for e-book readers. They are thus divided into many smaller parts that can easily be displayed on a small monochrome display with eInk technology. To switch between different parts of the map users can use the buttons Next page/Previous page and they can also use index of streets, which is included in every e-book.

Maps from eBookMaps offer another choice of content for owners of e-book readers. They can be useful as a good alternative to online maps, which may be expensive to download in many countries (due to telco fees).

Maps of some of the cities represented at eBookMaps are not yet common and are not available even on Google maps. eBookMaps use data from project licensed by CC-BY-SA and are distributed in accordance with this license.


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