Just finished John Wright’s Prisoners of Chaos, which I got as an ebook in the recent TOR promotion. I liked it and wanted to read the 2 other installments, but they are no available in ebook form. So, off to Amazon and I ordered the paper copies.

How many of you have done the same thing? Is e a good promotional vehicle for p?


  1. Oh, I’ll be hanged for sure now …

    1) My print backlog gets priority over E for now

    2) I haven’t read any of the TOR promo stuff, obviously

    3) It looks like I might also be *three weeks behind* in d/ling them (which probably means one is gone forever, eh?)

  2. I do this more with computer games than with books. If there is an indie developer whose (free) games I really like, I’ll buy their commercial games. This would be a book thing for me, too, but I have sooo many books to read as is that I will probably never get around to reading all the promo books that get thrown at me. A few (such as the Hal Spacejock one) get prioritized onto the top of my reading list, but with manybooks.net and the Baen free library, I wouldn’t even have an idea of who to start with.

  3. I’ve been reading the Tor freebies, being too busy to get to the library and too broke to buy new books. The promo would have been successful, if I had any money to buy books (which I would have preferred in e-format).

    Especially anxious to read the rest of the Kate Elliot. First book sets up an interesting world and some teasing whodunnits.

  4. I’ve been generally impressed with the tor freebies, and they introduced me to some authors I intend to follow up on (Daniel Abraham, Peter Watts, Tobias Buckell). I would actually prefer their offerings in e if I can get them that way, though. I have space issues with p.

    Though I would probably buy p if I couldn’t get e, or if e was encumbered with DRM.

  5. I’d heard about Neil Gaiman but had never read one of his books. Then I discovered the online version of “American gods”, started to read… and ran to the bookstore to buy the paper copy.

    It is not exactly the same case (the book is online and not e, i bought the same book in p), but the online copy convinced me to buy the book (and probably other Gaiman’s books), so it was an effective marketing strategy.

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