logo.jpgReceived the following email from Atitila Lukacs. You can read more coverage of Adamo Books here, here and here.

Hi Paul,

I am Attila Lukacs from Hungary, co-founder of Hungarian ebook site Adamo Books (www.adamobooks.hu)

You asked me to keep you informed about how we’re doing. Let me inform you about our latest kindle experiment.

You know, I have decided to keep you informed about how things are going. In November, I wanted to send you an article about developments so far…

But I didn’t write anything because I was so lazy.

In December I decided to send you an article on the Hungarian ebook market in general. I wrote a 10-page report on the hungarian ebook market entitled



Attila Lukacs

A short report on the Hungarian ebook market. Estimates, guesstimates, facts and figures.

Available on Amazon.com as a kindle ebook.

What are the most preferred ebook file formats in Hungary? How many ebooks has Adamo Books sold until the end of April, 2010? How other ebook sites and stores are doing in the country? How big or small is the Hungarian ebook market ? Which are the bestselling ebooks at Adamo Books and SFPortal.hu? Which are the most popular ebook readers in Hungary? How do they sell?

And then Peter and I decided to upload it on Amazon.com and see what happens.

The ebook can be purchased here:


This is a kindle ebook experiment. We want to upload ebooks in Hungarian on Amazon.com but now we can only upload and sell ebooks in English. So we started by uploading and offering an ebook in English ( Matthew Cserhatis Guide to Learning Languages Quickly and Efficiently) and a religious ebook in Italian (Grazia efficace predestinazione by Janos Banyai).

I hope that people – Hungarians as well – will find this report interesting. I would be glad if Teleread let people interested in this topic know about this kindle ebook experiment.

Thanks for any help.

Of course, I will keep you informed about how this ebook is doing saleswide…even if it fails to sell significant copies.

Kind regards,

Attila Lukacs

Adamo Books



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