
From CNet Asia.

It’s interesting to note that, for all our qualms about our country being left behind in today’s Digital Age (yes, despite our leadership in the Social Network world stage), somehow we’re still managing to keep up. For example, take our literature, especially the classics.

Now, I’ve already talked about how some of the local publishers have come out with e-book versions of their published work and how there’s even an e-book company, Flipside Digital Content , that’s producing mainly e-books for both the local and international market.

However, a recent announcement by Flipside on a slew of new titles–or rather, new editions of old works–made me wonder how the classics of Filipino literature were doing. Flipside had declared that it would be coming out with its own e-book editions of Filipino works in the public domain.

The first batch had six titles (Jose Rizal’s The Reign of Greed: El Filibusterismo and Noli Me Tangere, Francisco Baltazar’s Florante at Laura, Ibong Adarna, Mabel Cook Cole’s Philippine Folk Tales, and the 1987 Philippine Constitution) and more are set for conversion. What’s more, these books have been repackaged and done up in new covers by graphic artists Adam David and Lester Banzuelo (with Philippine Folk Tales and Ibong Adarna even having original artwork by comic artists Manix Abrera and Mike David).

More in the article. Thanks to The Literary Saloon for the link.


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