images.jpgHere’s a good overview of the subject by Kenneth Green in the DigitalTweed blog of Inside Higher Ed. It’s too long to summarize, but I found this paragraph to be worth quoting:

Yet for all the heated digerati discussion about the competition between iPads vs. Kindles as consumer market eBook platforms, the campus conversation is less about hardware platforms and more about content, reader features, and compelling value for the buyer, particularly the college student. And here it is not clear that eBooks – from any provider, on any platform, or accessed via any eBook reader – provide, at present, a compelling value proposition for most college students. Indeed, for eReaders and digital texts to advance in the campus market – in the college textbook market – publishers and eReader providers will have to address three key challenges: price, features, and format.

Thanks to Michael von Glahn for the heads up.


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