Editor jennifer header trial.jpgEditor Jennifer, who runs a freelance editing service, has announced the winner of her “Best of the Best Ebook Contest”. It’s a real contest as the winner receives a $250 prize.

The winner is Redeeming Stanley, by Bodie Parkhurst. I enjoyed Jennifer’s description of the book:

I asked for original….I got original. Redeeming Stanley is like no other book I’ve ever read, and that’s saying a lot. Hilarious at every turn, Redeeming Stanley is a fast, fun page-turner of a novel.

I’m loath to summarize it because I don’t want to give anything away, but if you’ve ever woken up and realized you were sleeping with someone way below you in the cosmic gene pool, this book is for you. If you’ve ever sought to redeem someone who is unredeemable , this book is for you. If you’ve ever wondered where the old gods hang out now, this book is for you. And if you’ve ever thirsted for revenge – good, old fashioned, hell-raising revenge, this book is for you.

As a matter of fact I was so intrigued that I purchased a copy ($5.00) on my Kindle.


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