image How to get books ready for the Sony Reader, the Nook and a multitude of other machines—and address such challenges as reproducing charts accurately in ePub from generic XML?

The newest entrant in this product-and-service category is eGen, from Aptara, which claims eGen “produces eBook-ready content faster and at a far lower cost than other available methods.” Press release here. Data sheet here. FAQ here.

According to the latter, "eGen automatically converts illustrations and graphics, in place of the manual Photoshop intervention typically required for eBook conversion." It also "automatically converts MathML to SVG."

Supposedly it can automatically convert tables and figures. "Though there can be exceptions, based on the quality and complexity of the input. eGen identifies upfront any elements which may require manual intervention, including complex tables, large figures and large equations, and pricing details for the manual task(s) are provided accordingly."

The ePub format is of special significance since many devices like the Sony Reader use it directly. Stores associated with other e-readers, such as the Kindle, which relies mainly on proprietary format, can convert from ePub. Of course, the best solution would be the universal use of ePub at the consumer level. Imagine all the money the industry would save, as opposed to the use of proprietary approaches such as Amazon’s and ScrollMotion’s.

Meanwhile, remember that the statements in the Aptara material are from—Aptara. I’d welcome independent perspectives. Can eGen really do as good a job with charts as it claims? How to the actual costs compare with other solutions? Anyhone have any pet alternatives to mention?

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