Wi drive for kindlefire

From Andrys Basten’s A Kindle World Blog:

Now we can add a 16 to 32 gig pocket-sized drive to the Kindle Fire — and soon, Kingston Digital says, a 64GB drive (price not known yet).  The drive can be carried in your pocket. Android Mag’s Pallavi had one of the several announcements of the availability of Kingston’s WiDrive a few days ago, but the Kindle Fire app was not available in the Amazon AppStore.  It is now. I just downloaded it. Pallavi writes:

‘ It utilizes “Flash-based technology to store data from USB-compatible PCs.”  The content can be retrieved via Wi-Drive’s built-in wireless signal; and you do not require cables or an internet connection to do so.  What’s more, three users can work on different file types simultaneously from a single Wi-Drive. ‘

Andrys has a lot more to say, including the necessity to convert video files to MP4 for playback.

The 32 gig version is $90 and the 16 gig version is $60.  You can find them here.


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