imageA new Chinese e-reader is said to offer less contrast than E Ink, but its six-inch screen is supposedly as thrifty with power and refreshes as quickly. The LCD tech involved is grayscale DSTN.

The Insdream SX601 comes with MP3 capability and with FBReader, which means you can read ePub, HTML, nonDRMed Mobi and other common formats. Click on images for more detail.

imageText to speech is “in both Mandarin Chinese and English.” And how’s this for Chinese-marketese? “Be made of senior materials that come from the eminent factory which is mainly demonstrated in central processing unit, we utilize Samsung one… TFT screen, it is unparalleled with the ordinary TFT screen. It can compete with e-ink screen to some extend.”

Also: “Powerful search function: searching for books and blogs.“ Plus: “Strong blog function: write down whatever you feel and think anywhere at any time, fully keyboard input with a password setting function can protect your blog privacy effectively.” So does the Communist Party have a special key?

A sister model (or older or newer one?), the Insdream 2, “support 3 fonts (bold type, Arial black, Mid-round).” Does the SX601, too? Actually it might, through the bolding capability of FBReader. Given the low contrast of E Ink, I’m a big boldface booster since bold increases the perceived contrast.

Contact information: Ms. Eva Tang, Assistant General Manager:

The obvious question: Prices? So far I don’t see any quoted.

Related: Info on Insdream and MR item.


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