51jFOScRf0L.jpgFrom Electronic Arts and it costs $4.99.

Most of the customer review seem to be good. Play with a friend, play against the machine, or do a solo game. Doesn’t seem to have the interconnection that allows you to play against another Kindle user. Words With Friends does this on the iPhone, etc.

If anyone uses it please let us know how it goes.


  1. I just purchased Scrabble for Kindle yesterday and I really like it. It moves the game a little faster because it does all the calculation for you, and it has a built in Scrabble dictionary. You can play against the Kindle or another person in a version called “Pass and Play”. What that does is basically blanks out the tile rack so you can pass the Kindle to the other person, they hit the button, and the tiles appear. When their turn is done, it blanks out the tile rack again and the process proceeds. All in all, I really like it. Plus, no pieces to lose!

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