imageMight  somone fill the void that Wowio created? Remember? It took a big step backwards and slashed the number of ad-supported files of classics and interesting modern titles.

I’m rooting for some good things to happen, however, now that DailyLIt, the books-by-e-mail outfit, has started accepting corporate sponsorships.

Files next? Maybe even in ePub and other alternatives that are easier on readers of text-heavy works than Wowio’s PDFs are?

Promising goodwill builder

If companies want to build goodwill, rather than annoy readers with the horrid blinking ads that now infest Wowio’s online books, DailyLit is worth a good close look even without the downloadable files. May they come in time!

College Knowledge: 101 Tips, from the University of Michigan Press is the first corporately sponsored free title offered through the DailyLit’s e-mail program. DailyLit originally sold the installments for $4.95. You can also receive installments via RSS.

Meanwhile kudos to! DailyLit’s news release (update 2:58 p.m.: with the name of the greeting-card company corrected) follows.


DailyLit Works with Sponsor to Offer College Guide Book, College Knowledge: 101 Tips, for Free

Digital Publisher Creates First Corporate Sponsorship Deal with Leading Publisher of Christmas and Holiday Cards to Make Online College Guide Available for Free

Mamaroneck, NY – August 7, 2008 – DailyLit (, the innovative digital publisher, announced today that it has launched its corporate sponsorship program by collaborating with to make College Knowledge: 101 Tips, the college guide book originally published by the University of Michigan Press, available for free.

The online college guide book, which offers anecdotal tips, advice, and insight for students on how to successfully transition into their first year of college, will be free until September 30th. Previously the college guide book was available from DailyLit for $4.95. The offer is made possible by a sponsorship from, a leading publisher of corporate Christmas and holiday cards in the United States.

"We’re excited to kick off our sponsorship program that allows books to be made available for free to our readers," commented Susan Danziger, CEO of DailyLit. "Thanks to the generous support of and the University of Michigan Press, students can read College Knowledge: 101 Tips for free through the month of September—just in time for college orientation and the first weeks of class."

"Working with DailyLit to make College Knowledge: 101 Tips available for free is exciting," said H.L DeVore, Chief Marketing Officer of " has several programs that help students, and we see our sponsorship of this book as another way we can support college-bound students. We hope many will take advantage of this offer—it’s a great book with lots of useful information for students about to begin their college experience."

The book is available at:


Prudent Publishing’s ( is the leading publisher of premium quality corporate Christmas cards and business holiday cards in the United States. Established in 1929 and still family owned, the company offers direct-from-the-publisher prices that include customized ink and foil imprints, a large selection of memorable greetings, and matching deckle-edged envelopes made of recycled paper. also offers numerous types of all occasion greeting cards including business birthday cards, thank you cards, and anniversary cards.


DailyLit ( is the leading publisher of serialized books in digital form. DailyLit currently features over 1000 classic and contemporary books available for free or for a small fee. Short book installments are sent via e-mail or RSS feed and arrive in a reader’s inbox, which can be read on a desktop, laptop or mobile device (including an iPhone or Blackberry) according to the schedule set by each reader (e.g. 7:00am every weekday). Installments can be read in fewer than 5 minutes, and additional installments are available on demand. DailyLit’s titles include bestselling and award winning titles, from literary fiction and romance to language learning and science fiction. Co-founded by a team of publishing professionals and technology experts, DailyLit is headquartered in Mamaroneck, New York.


Maggie Hilliard


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