Screen shot 2010-05-20 at 10.11.12 AM.pngFrom Sue Polanka’s No Shelf Required blog:

Gale announced today the availability of the AccessMyLibrary (AML) School Edition app for the iPhone. The new K-12 version allows students to find their local school library – (grade schools, middle schools and high schools) and access the vast array of Gale resources the school library has purchased on their behalf. Students can use the application to locate their school and then will be required to authenticate for the school year, using a password provided by the school.

Using vetted sources including magazines, journals and newspapers, students can research a variety of topics including:
• Environment – unearth facts on conservation and sustainability
• Biographies – discover the stories of remarkable people of yesterday and today
• Career choices – uncover interesting career paths and industries
• Literature – read commentary, criticism and context on literary works and their authors
• Science – find current, credible research and experiments that allow for first-hand experience
• History – explore past events and their impact in shaping the world of today

The public library AML app was launched last December. For more information on AML, check out the Off The Shelf column in Booklist from Sept. 15, 2009.

The AML School Edition app can be downloaded at the iTunes store today. The iPhone application is free, and the content is paid for by the school that is accessed. Also available at the iTunes store, is the AML public library application.


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