images (1).jpegMoneycontrol has an article about the latest Gartner comments on ereaders. Here are some snippets.

The market for e-reading devices portable devices that use an E Ink, e-paper or similar display technology has become crowded and is at risk of commoditisation due to developments in adjacent markets, such as those for media tablets, according to Gartner analysts. …

North America will remain a key market through 2014, although its dominance will decline significantly as regions such as Western Europe and APAC become the leading locations for growth. Growth in North American and other markets will remain constrained by the success of media tablets, such as the Apple iPad. …

“With media tablets offering more functionality, e-reader vendors need to target avid readers who may see the value of a stand-alone device that performs particularly well,” said Allen Weiner, Research Vice President, Gartner. “E-reader vendors will also need to offer lower prices than for more fully featured media tablets. This will entail smaller profit margins and potential hardware subsidies at retail, and/or the ability to obtain lower-priced components. We think few end users will buy both an e-reader and a media tablet, so it is important that e-readers retain a price advantage.”


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