From a report  by Sihbahn O’Leary in Publishing Perspectives:

BERLIN: Baden-Baden-based market research company Media Control GfK International has launched Germany’s first authoritative e-book bestseller lists, featuring the top 20 fiction titles (“Belletristik”) and the top 10 non-fiction titles (“Sachbuch”).

Der Spiegel will carry the new e-book bestseller lists

According to Börsenblatt new media editor Dr. Michael Roesler-Graichen, Media Control will collect sales data reported by online bookstores and publishers. The reported sales cover about 40 percent of the whole e-book market (B2C) in Germany.

“Media Control does not unveil which stores deliver the data, but is saying that ‘five big e-book retailers’ are the source,” said Roesler-Graichen, adding that since some publishers also deliver sales data, it is likely that they also contain sales made via And Media Control has plans to collect more detailed data from e-book retailers over time.

More in the article.


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