
From a Ghent University Library Announcement:

Ghent University Library today became the first in Europe to contribute public domain works scanned by Google to Europeana, Europe’s culture heritage. Readers using Europeana can now enjoy more than 30 million newly-added pages of historical, scientific, anthropological and literary works, from over 100,000 volumes, spanning four centuries, in French, Dutch, German and other languages.

Joke Schauvliege, Flemish Minister of Environment, Nature and Culture and chair of the European Council of Environment is pleased that the unique and large collection of Ghent University leads the way. “I hope that the addition of so many pages to the Europeana database will stimulate the use of this rich cultural heritage material,” says Minister Schauvliege. “I applaud the collaboration between Ghent University and Europeana to make this material visible and free searchable.”

The Ghent University Library, one of Belgium’s largest scientific libraries, has long been an advocate for increased access to information and cultural heritage through digitization. In 2007 the library partnered with Google Books and started work to digitise more than 300,000 books from its out-of-copyright collection.

Access the Complete Announcement (Includes Titles of a Few Books)

Access the Europeana Database

Via Resource Shelf


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