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One of Ireland top trade publishers has started releasing ebooks. Gill & Macmillan has begun releasing its immediate front list and popular backlist titles on Amazon’s Kindle platform.

Beginning with a  batch of eight released in December 2011, the publisher has now released 19 titles in total including Dying To Survive the memoir of former heroin addict Rachel Keogh, Paul Bew’s new biography of Charles Stewart Parnell, Enigma and Pádraig Yeates, A City in Wartime.

Gill & Macmillan has priced all titles at $9.99 or less so far.

The move comes as Mercier Press confirms by tweet and further commentary that the publisher’s ebooks success over the Christmas period continued in January sales.

‘We are seeing significant increases in sales for ebooks that have been available for over 6 months now, and achieving growth through our efforts at adding to the number of titles available. We are not yet at the percentage of turnover that some publishing companies are reporting, but it is a real growth segment in a market where traditional sales are struggling,’ said Patrick Crowley Sales & Marketing Manager at Mercier.

#ebooks Jan sales up from Dec which is hugely positive. 72% through US market, 17% in UK and 11% in EU. Remarkable growth.

— Mercier Press (@IrishPublisher) March 2, 2012

(Via Irish Publishing News.)


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