image WalMart isn’t just under criticism for its low wages. Notice the pathetic DVD-to-book ratio? But is there a way for the book business to reach WalMart shoppers anyway, with a selection of thousands of titles—not just a few in a little section of each stores?

In fact, there is—through the iPhone, which this month will go on sale at WalMart. Price is to be $197, with sales expected to start Dec. 15 or Dec. 28. Even if the $99 iPhone doesn’t materialize immediately, it will in time. And meanwhile studies suggest that some low-income consumers are actually going the iPhone route, because they can use the phones for many purposes—including, I’d hope, e-books.

It’s a matter of educating them, simplifying the technology and keeping e-book prices realistic. I think it would be wonderful if WalMart, in addition to selling iPhones, actually promoted their use as reading devices. In-store multimedia displays might be one way to get the message across, especially for young people. While many readers dislike the iPhones’ small screens, plenty of others would be happy to enjoy access at lower prices to far more books than they can find and afford in paper.

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  1. Your forgetting the major Drawback to gettinng the iPhone opposed to say the iPod Touch.

    The Monthly fees, and the 2Yr contract.

    That’s always going to be a major barrier, especially for people on lower incomes or tighter budgets.

    The Touch on the other hand will give you most of the capabilities (Including calling, with VOIP now) for a little bit more but no monthly charge.

  2. @ David Rothman

    The question of having to get a subscription is good as it was something I did not think about as being in the UK, a large part of the population usues Prepiad, especially people on low or fixed incomes, as it makes expenses predictable.

    I have iPhone as well, but I have friends who got the Touch as they could not justify the High price of the iPhone, especially here in the UK.

    The main reason I actually got one was because it is available for Pre Paid here, as while I can afford a contract I have no desire to be tied to one one as Most of my calling is through VOIP.

    While the price is high here with the Prepaid cost £350 ($525) for the 8GB version and £400 ($600) for the 16GB which can not be unlocked later (Which is a whole another issue) I could justify it as that also got me 12 months of unlimited Data (worth £120 = $180) , which is what I mainly want from the phone anyway. The contract prices are somewhat similar to that of the US, but you can get much cheaper contracts here for other phones.

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