Many books.netThe Best Media in Life is Free does as promised. Found via Boing Boing.

A nomination for the “Best” blog: I hope that the blog will also recognize great sites displaying CC books, in which case I’d nominate Matt McClintock’s multiformat Here’s the 38-book CC section with carefully chosen works.


  1. Oh, Branko, don’t be silly. I follow the lit world very closely (both mainstream and alternative online CC) and can say I rarely can distinguish between them in terms of quality. The main difference between mainstream publishing and online CC publishing is simply the age of the creators. If you’re 40 or above, chances are you’re working in mainstream publishing. If you’re below that age, chances are you’re doing some sort of online publishing.

    There still is a need for a good quality filter, but blogs do a good job at that. (Also, I’m working on a project to do that as well).

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