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From Le Figaro, via a Google translation:

Opened on Thursday in Paris Book Fair, where the ebook is the star. The digital book is still non-existent in France but is already present in the United States. What is the reality of the market? “In 2010, the electronic book accounted for 8% of market value and 10% in quantity. But since the beginning of 2011, it rose to 23% of quantities sold, which is what we see on our sales. This market is growing very rapidly, “says Arnaud Noury. The downloaded books differ from those sold in bookstores? “No, it’s the same list of bestsellers. Did they substituted for the physical books? “It’s very complicated to analyze author by author, book by book. What we see in the U.S. is that the book market last year was down slightly in value, but slight increase in quantity with a stability of large size, a lower pocket and an explosion Digital Digital replaced as if a little pocket “analyzes the president of Hachette Livre.

Thanks to EbookNewser for the heads up.


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