Hanlin eReader V9Jinke plans to release the Hanlin eReader V9, an E Ink machine with a 10-inch display, later this year.

Based on photos, I wouldn’t be surprised if it used Vizplex tech, which offers a brighter background than the current E Ink does. But the specs—see PDF–don’t mention Vizplex. Anyone care to share thoughts on this detail?

PDF, DOC, HTML, TXT, ZIP, JPG CHM and Wolf are among the supported formats.

Processor is a “Sumsang Arm 9 200Mhz, SDRAM : 32M Bytes.” Samsung? SD/MMC memory cards can be up to 4GB, according to the PDF.

I agree with Dr. Ellen Hage’s guess that the price will be at least $450—still much cheaper than iRex’s $700 iLiad.

The new machine, due at the end of December, lacks a touch screen. But a TS version is to appear in early ’08.


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