reports that Harry Potter’s UK publisher, Bloomsbury, is launching new editions of the Harry Potter books with new cover art, and is also planning to talk to Apple about cutting a deal for iBooks placement when the iPad comes to the UK.

Will a big red juicy Apple for the Hogwart’s teachers finally bring Harry Potter out in e-book form at last? There is no indication that Rowling has changed her mind on e-books yet, but as e-books move more and more into the mainstream, I suspect the pressure on her to give in will mount and she will come around sooner or later.

In the meantime, all the Harry Potter books can still easily be found on peer-to-peer networks in a variety of formats. Rowling is leaving a lot of money on the table with her refusal to deal—but then, it’s not as if she’ll wind up in the poorhouse either way. On the other hand, her publisher’s net cash on hand has fallen by one third over the last couple of years, and I have little doubt they would love to be able to put their flagship titles on the iPad.


  1. This reminds me of a quote Xeni Jardin had in her iPad review, from the creator of Elements, a book on the periodical table, for the iPad: he said ‘it’s a book, but it’s Harry Potter’s copy, it’s the one you get at Hogwarts.’

    Looking at the video intro, I’d have to agree: the Periodic table is illustrated by colored models of the elements, all spinning to show their atomic shape, just like the photos in The Daily Wizard.

    I hope that if the HP books come to iPad, they’d do something more like that with the illustrations. Now that would be cool enough to tempt those of us who already own the p-book editions.

    — asotir

  2. Well, she allowed Apple (iTunes) to sell the HP audiobooks as downloads starting years back and she still won’t let them be sold as downloads elsewhere. Maybe she’s got a thing for Apple and will allow ebooks through them too.

  3. But, but, but…

    I don’t want a video introduction, spinning illustrations, or moving photos. In fact, I don’t want introductions or illustrations at all. I also don’t want a soundtrack or the audio version. How much for just the book? The written, English text, digital one, please.

    Jack Tingle

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