headshotThat’s the title of an article by TeleRead site founder David Rothman which has just appeared in the Huffington Post.

David discusses his proposal for a national digital library system, which he has been calling for since 1992. 

Take a look at his article, and if you feel it has merit, why not send a copy to your Senator or Representative?  With a new Administration, perhaps we can get the ball rolling.


  1. Hi, Danny. Based on a summary of the book, it’s a valuable work in many ways. Dr. Wolf is oh so right, for example, about the importance of reading books aloud to children. Kids need to associate the seen words with sounds and meanings, and that’s especially true of those with reading problems. But guess what. Parents can also read aloud from e-books.

    More relevantly, I’d remind you of the “what” factor discussed in my reply elsewhere. Just by increasing the number and variety of books, E can help significantly. And that’s excluding other possibilities, such as the potential to customize the presentation for particular children.


    P.S. Coincidentally or not, the Wolf work is not available for instant download on the Kindle even though it’s from a major publisher.

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