It is great news that we can do this now.  I often read books with footnotes and if I check a footnote the “furthest page read” now becomes the footnote page at the end of the book.  This makes keeping my iPhone/iPad/Fire in sync difficult.

From My Kindle Stuff:

Amazon has finally updated functionality to let us reset the furthest page read on our Kindle books.  For a person like me who re-reads books all the time, this is long overdue, but greatly appreciated.

To access it, go to the Manage your Kindle page and click the button next to any of your Kindle books to see the new optio


Once you select the Reset option, you’ll get another window

The Learn More link takes you to this Kindle Help page advising the below.

More at the site.


  1. Note that this is only available on the Amazon.COM site. I’m in the UK and they’ve not rolled this out to us as yet.

    Last night I found that I could log into .com and do just as you stated with my entire collection (despite the fact that I can’t actually *buy* a Kindle book from the US store). However, this morning, I went back on to resync another book and found that my library now consisted of a copy of the Oxford American Dictionary (which I’ve never purchased) and one other title.

    So now I’m back to their wonderful 7-stage process to resync a title. This is the kind of thing that makes me realise why I prefer paper!

  2. The need to reset furthest page read would be considerably reduced if the Amazon software used the “most recent” instead of the “furthest” page read. In many cases the two are the same but “most recent” corresponds to what we naturally wish to do: continue reading where we left off. Furthest page is wrong if at any time you don’t read cover to cover, and there are many perfectly sound reasons why people don’t always use a book that way.

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