ibis.pngWe reported on the release of the new Ibis ereader app at TOC here. Now, Wired Gadget Lab, via Charlie Sorrell, has taken it through its paces and he says:

I have been playing around with Ibis for a little while and it really does behave like a local application, although sometimes it is not quite as fast when flipping between different sections. In fact, there’s only one thing that really gives it away: scrolling is a lot slower. Whereas in a native app you can “throw” a page and it speedily scrolls up or down, the “elastic” holding the pages of web apps is a lot stronger. It’s not just Ibis. This is a problem with all non-native applications on the iPhone.

As a full-featured e-reader, Ibis is surprisingly good. As a proof-of-concept for non-approved, non-App Store applications, it is straight-up amazing.

Read more at the Wired site. Thanks to ResouceShelf for the heads up.


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