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Michael Tamblyn, EVP Content, Sales & Merchandising, Kobo: In June had ebooks in 69 languages.  English still the biggest with French German, Japanese Korean large also. Brings challenges for search indexing and category browsing.  Been surprised about the number of publishers who are not making use of the global rights they have.  Many have the rights but are reluctant to sell outside of the main market.  Problems with Japanese, Chinese and Korean with unusual file formats and formatting and EPUB 3 is making this much easier and can now do all sorts of stuff couldn’t do before.  Before had content that was “trapped” in some countries because of odd formats and files and now this can break out.

Now a race for new content types and different experiences.  EPUB 3 is allowing a lot more, but need more sample content from publishers.  Some have been hanging back.  Wiley and Hachette have been very good about it and are doing to end up what retailers support in EPUB3.  Would like to see more publishers getting on board.  Especially like to see it from overseas publishers.

Want customer on your own device if possible because a customer on your device buys more.  Companies now looking for territories and retail partnerships.  Is a quiet race but is a “low intensity conflict” going on right now by ebook sellers to find retailers overseas. Local partners are important because people need trust in the seller, the ability to work with someone when they are trying something new out.  


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