…read Bob Polk’s advice for newbies. What are your favorite Blackmask replacements?


  1. we have ALL benefitted from Dave’s Blackmask site….Dave needs US now….where can I send a fiver or a ten spot or more for his legal expenses?
    Where can we ALL send a few bucks….if everyone that has enjoyed Blackmask sends a few bucks; David would have the ammunition to get Blackmask back up and running

  2. I miss Blackmask very much. I got to know about it last year. I was very excited when I discovered this site, but my hopes vanished very soon. I was planning to download many of its books. It was a rich and flexible online free library and provided the users with different formats of its texts. Everybody could make use of it.

    I’m looking forward to hearing from this excellent site as soon as possible. If any one of you guys knows anything about this site and their future plans, please kindly inform me.

    Thank you in advance.

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