images.jpg Publishing Perspectives has an article about this today. Here is part of an interview with Liu Chengyong of the China Publishing Group:

Do you think that two or three years mobile phones might dominate the market for e-books? Are e-readers a dead end?

Chengyong: I really hope it will not come to this situation, but it is very, very likely. The e-reader is a medium that is still very immature. In the last year Hanvon announced they sold 500,000 units of their e-readers. In comparison to the total population of China (1.3 billion) and the number of people who own a cellphone (between 700 to 800 million), the sales of e-readers is not even worth considering. China Mobile has already more than 600 million subscribers. That is almost half of the Chinese population.

Keep in mind that Wattpad’s content is primarily read on cellphones. The Wattpad people point out that in third world countries even those on the lowest end often have a cellphone.


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