Intel has created a future concept video that shows ubiquitous computer display screens on watches, bracelets, televisions, PDAs, and car navigators.

Each product shown in the video exists already in at least a rudimentary form. However, the voice control interface depicted is currently uncommon, and the deployed implementations suffer from imperfect recognition.

The video predicts a proliferation of screens that can display text, and this implies that web browsers and favorite e-texts should be readily at hand. Consumers will likely demand the ability to easily move text from one disparate device to another without cumbersome restrictions. Hence, standards for text display and portability are essential, and this reinforces David Rothman’s point made earlier today while discussing a camera.

See also recent TeleRead stories on a bracelet and a comment from a TeleBlog reader purchasing an Ultra Mobile PC (UMPC).

Related: Engadget.


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