images.jpgFrom the HASTAC website (blockquotes omitted):

The Internet Archive is planning a meeting in San Francisco on Thu. Oct 21 – Fri. Oct 22 tentatively titled “Books in Browsers”.

The meeting will cover achievements in moving books to the web, including developments in OPDS Catalogs, vending and lending, and the design and effective deployment of ebooks and reading experiences for web environments. The portability of books and bookshelves, reader application interoperability, storage and transmission security (including encryption and caching), the legal and user consequences of book licensing vs purchase, and ramifications for user privacy and data protection are viable angles.

Currently, I anticipate that we will build a technical track, and an uber issues track, with cojoined sessions among topics that are conceptually early or rapidly evolving.

The meeting has the support of O’Reilly Media; additional sponsors may be named.

The program committee includes individuals experienced in the gamut of these issues. We are honored to have the engagement of the following (in random order):

Hugh McGuire / Bookoven
Keith Fahlgren / Ibis Reader
Pam Samuelson / UC Berkeley (BCLT)
Tom Garnett / Smithsonian Institution (BHL)
Mary Lou Jepson / Pixel Qi
Hadrien Gardeur / Feedbooks
Kat Meyer / O’Reilly Media
Daihei Shiohama / Voyager Japan

I am interested in both specific proposals and general interest in attendance, which may be restricted for space. The meeting will be held in San Francisco at the Internet Archive offices.

Please write to me with proposals.

Thanks –
Peter Brantley


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