LibbookbigThe Argentina Independent has a story about Federico Roma, founder of the Liibook website. Here are a couple of snippets:

Liibook is a website founded by Federico Roma, a thirty year old Argentine from Lomas de Zamora, in the south of Buenos Aires. Developed from an idea which originated while backpacking around the country, it provides writers with an online space to publish their work. Be this a twenty word poem or a five hundred page novel, all are welcome. The author can select whether to allow the work to be viewed for free or whether the reader needs to pay. The majority of the material available on the website is available without having to pay, but longer pieces, which would normally be read as a book, come with a charge. All are available to be downloaded for iBooks, Kindles and other types of ebook readers. …

Liibook’s popularity is growing, with people submitting their written work from faraway countries, such as Spain and the US. While most people only publish their pieces in their native language, there are a number who also submit translations of other languages. For anybody who would like to share a piece of literature which they have written, however short it may be, Liibook provides this opportunity, for free, and to an ever increasing readership.

Lots more info in the article.


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