Well, the article below inspired me to try out my “new” microscope with my iPhone 3GS and 4. Here is some text from the Kindle application at 10X magnification.

3GS at 10X

4 at 10X


After the break see them at 60X

3GS at 60X


4 at 60X



  1. I can see why those with iPhone 4s are praising it. I do wonder, however, if there is some visual distortion going on here. Both your photos and those at BIT-101 have a background grid on LCD screens that isn’t visible with the naked eye. Perhaps those grids are too fine to be seen with our eyes (much like a ‘retina’ screen exceeds our eye’s resolving power for dots) and their appearance at 10X and up means nothing.

    If you get a chance, you might add a comparison between iPads and various versions of the Kindle. Your 10x enlargements are probably more description of how our eyes react that the 26x photos at Bit-101.

    From Bit-101’s pictures, I can see why those championing the Kindle say it’s much more like print than an LCD. Without the captions, I’d be hard-pressed to tell the difference between the two.

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