
So how sharp a page can you produce with LCD technology, at least several years old—no E Ink, nothing fancy, just an 8.4″ TFT Active Touchscreen Color Matrix with 800 x 600 SVGA resolution? Here’s a quick shot I took a moment ago. Believe me, the real view on the DT375 Web tablet—bought for $155 off uBid—is much better than this one. Even with the letters at the considerably smaller size I use for reading, I can barely notice the dots. In the next post I’ll tell you my little secret, in case the interface doesn’t give me away. uBid extended its deadline to June 17, so this thing is still buyable. Reminder: No uBid connection, just an interest in low-cost CE machines for myself and other people and institutions on a budget. And, yes, had linux been in use originally, the economics would be still better. Bonus: In the end, e-paper-style technologies like E Ink and Nemoptics will win out, but meanwhile isn’t it fun to see how far you can stretch the older ones—and along the way get color now, as well as ease of reading in dimly lit rooms?


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