logo.pngFrom the press release:

To help the multitude of new owners with eBook reading devices, Kaplan Publishing is offering more than 130 Free eBooks in a promotion that runs from January 4 -10th. Owners of the Nook, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, and Sony eReader can find select Kaplan titles absolutely free by visiting: www.FreeKaplaneBooks.com.

Starting today, high school students; college students; those wanting GRE, GMAT or SAT practice tests; future doctors, lawyers, MBA’s and nurses and many more will find a variety of valuable Kaplan test prep guides, practice tests, practice questions, study aids, and related titles that would normally cost hundreds of dollars for free.

“In August we witnessed over 500,000 free eBook downloads in an exclusive two week promotion that was hugely successful in helping our students leverage their mobile devices to fit new opportunities to learn into their busy days,” said Maureen McMahon, President and Publisher of Kaplan Publishing. “Helping students of all ages reach their education goals is always our top priority and as they utilize new technology, Kaplan will be there with the best tools and content in both print and digital formats.”

Popular titles include several of The Cleveland Clinic consumer health guides, First Year Nurse, Getting Into Graduate School, Reaching the Bar, The Pressures of Teaching, Sharp Grammar, the MBA Fundamentals series and many more. Test prep study aids in the promotion cover standardized exams such as: GMAT, GRE, AP, ACT, SAT, MCAT, NCLEX, and the USMLE. These titles represent a significant one-time savings for students getting ready to prepare for college entrance exams, qualify for advanced certifications, and improve their understanding over a range of academic subjects.


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