imageI hate the way many newspapers and magazines chop up Web pages to maximize the page view stats—perhaps even more of a reason than just page-loading speed. Stop it! The default, in my opinion at least, should be single page.

But on long articles and one-file e-books online, the single-page approach suffers from a negative. What if you lose your place? Some have asked for such a feature, and come to think of it, at least one Firefox plug-in exists already. Anyone familiar with Book Text Mark (home page here)? Alas, my Firefox is too new for this Book Text Mark to work for me. Meanwhile thanks to Mike Cane for spotting the suggestion in the pititinvention blog. Alas, that page with the blue mark is only a mockup from pititinvention; I’d welcome a screenshot from a Book Text Mark user. What’s more, can anyone recommend similar plug-ins, including those for browsers besides Firefox?

Also from Mike: Comparison of Asus e900 and similar machines, as well as word that it’s out of stock at J&R.


  1. David have you tried the “Diigo” extension?

    You can get it from the Firefox extensions page or go to:

    I use it to highlight a line or so to use as a place marker. While it does not take you back to the exact place you were it is very simple to just scroll down until you find your highlighted text.

    What I like about it is that it is server based so I can get back to my marked items from any pc I may be using.

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