I just backed my first Kickstarter, and I thought some of you might be interested as well. The project is a fully illustrated horror anthology, In the Dark, and it’s got some great names: Brian Keene, F Paul Wilson, Rachel Deering and many more. It’s 250 pages of spine-chilling goodness, with 20 original stories.

They are trying to raise $30,000 by Halloween, and in about a day, they’ve raised over $8,000. Some of the cool reward levels are already gone, but there are still some good ones left, like a 9×12 watercolor commission of a monster of your choosing by Thomas Boatwright.

$10 will get you a PDF of the anthology, while $50 will get you the print copy (and a PDF too).

Kickstarter is becoming a funding medium of choice for publishing projects, and this looks like a good one.


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