Screen shot 2010-08-06 at 9.42.41 AM.pngThis looks as if it could be very useful. Here is the blurb from iTunes. You can find their website here.

Kids Book Review is the first iPhone app for Children’s, Tweens and YA books. The Sacramento and San Francisco (and sometimes not so greatest) new books. Reviews have reviewed almost 800 kids books since September, 2008, and they are all available here on this app, along with new book release information, classic titles and more.

Both book review publications review almost 80 new children’s books each month, and the Kids Book Review app will be updated weekly with new reviews. From picture books for the under three crowd, to Twilight, The Hunger Games, and other best-selling YA books, the Kids Book Review swill keep you in the know about the latest and greatest ( and sometimes not so greatest) new books

The app costs $1.99.


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